Todays color challenge is the first one using the new in colors. Emily picked green galore, going gray, and riding hood red. It took me a little time to find an image I wanted to use this morning. I knew I didnt want to do a Christmas card! Its too early for that for me! So my first thought was frogs or turtles b/c of the green. I didnt have any that I thought would work so I went digging through my PIF images and came across Wally Walrus. Thanks Collette!! He was perfect. So the next thing I had to do was find a sentiment small enough to fit in his little sign. I grabbed PTI's faux ribbon. Okay I have a confession....Ive had this faux ribbon set since it was released and all I've used out of it is the sentiments(and they have had plenty of love!)! Ive never tried to use the stripe images for dp or ribbon!LOL! Since I didnt have any dp to match the colors today I decided I wo

uld make my own! Next time I wont space my lines as far apart as I did today but Im pretty pleased with my results. Okay I have another confession....I have this thing with using primas with animals unless it has a flower image! I cant do it! It just never looks right to me!LOL! I see some really cute cards on SCS using cutesy or animal images with primas and I really like them but when I'M doing it its another story!LOL! Ive had this bag of primas so long I dont remeber where they came from! I think I've used 2 out of the pack but I found 2 that matched riding hood red! Yayyy! For my layout I used one of Kirstens old sketches but made a few changes. I colored Wally using gamsol magic. I added white gel pen dots to his face and outlined him with silver gelly roll pen but its hard to see in the pic so I attached a close up view.
Dont forget about the blog candy on the post below! I will let one of the kids draw a name on Saturday! Have a great day!!
Shannon ths is just darling, love the handmade dp and your coloring of Wally is just perfect. great job on today's CC.
OMG, that walrus is toooo cute! Love him and your FABO coloring!
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