Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!

I dont have anything to share with you today but some yapping!LOL! I know I promised blog candy today but I didnt get a chance to get a pic so I will post it in the morning. I just tucked my little ones into bed and they are already asleep!LOL! Big day for them! Big day for me too!LOL! 3 class parties, 1 bday party, and a tired Mama!LOL! Alana turned 7 years old today. I cant believe it! My baby is 7!!! I try to make the day all about her so her birthday is not overshadowed by Valentines Day. Instead of buying her a cake or cupcakes I decided to just buy some cake mix and let her help me maker her own cake. She was so psyched! Yaaayyyy! Brownie points for Mama!LOL! She loves strawberries so I got her a strawberry cake mix and strawberry icing. I did talk her into us waiting until tommorrow to make it since she had a class party today w/cookies and cupcake AND she had ice cream at the restaraunt tonight. My child has gone Hannah Montana crazy and just about everything she got for her bday was Hannah Montana or High School Musical. What happened to my little girl who was crazy about Strawberry Shortcake and the Care Bears and Dragontales!!!???!!! Dont get me wrong she still watches some of that stuff I just feel like she's trying to grow up too fast on me and it totally FREAKS me out!! So for all you mother out there who are laughing at my neurosis help a Mama out here on how to keep my baby from growing up too fast especially in a world today that I feel pushes them to grow up too fast!

1 comment:

Neva said...

I wish I could tell you how to make them stay young and not grow up so quickly. It seemed like I turned around from bringing you home from the hospital and puff, you were a teenager then puff you were grown, out on your own with kids of your own. Talk about time warp. yeekkk.
Just love her and enjoy these times for they truely do not last long enough.