Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Nutty sketch

Look no SU cs or dp! Im really trying to work on using some of my non SU dp! I have a ton of it and it just sits there looking so pretty!LOL! When I saw todays sketch I knew it would be a good time to pull some of it out. I really like today sketch so much so that it took me forever to make a card b/c I had so many different ideas of what I wanted to do!LOL! For this card I kept it simple. I pulled out an uninked whipper snapper image. Hes so cute to me!! I paired the image with some dp Mama gave me. Its from one of the slabs of dp at Michaels. I love that she loves stamping as much as I do! We share alot of stuff which means we can get more stuff!LOL!

My kids went to school this morning so mad!! All of the surrounding counties cancelled school today due to roads closed b/c of flooding but not Tift county! Brayden said all the way to school No fair! I wanna live in Moultrie so I dont have to go to school today!LOL! I think we only got 3" of rain yesterday which was much better than the 6-10 they were prediciting late yesterday afternoon. There were several tornados spotted but I think only one touched down in the town b/w me and Mama. Tommorrow we get to do it all over again!LOL! Have a great day!


Neva said...

Shannon this is just adorable. love the image and coloring. Glad you finally used some free dp.

Riet said...

what a beautiful card Shannon,l love the image.

hugs Riet.x

Sandra MacLean said...

That's so funny that I should pop in to have a bit of a looksie at your blog again today because I have this image colored up on my desk just sitting there patiently waiting for a card to be put on! This might be the motivation I need. :) Oh, and if you can't use all of your non SU dp....send it my way! I've give it a good home! LOL Great coloring Shannon!

Tori Wild said...

I LOVE that image too--- and the sketch was perfect for Whipper Snapper stamps!! (Hee-Hee-- that's what I used too!) fantastic coloring with your squirrel!

Denise Marzec said...

Adorable!! Love that squirrel. :)

Kelly Lunceford said...

So cute! What a fun image! AGain...your coloring is perfect!

Crissy Armstrong said...

adorable squirrel image~ Love what you did with it too~!

ChristineCreations said...

Well, I just LOVE this the neutral colors and your coloring adorable nuts (lol!)